Computer Vision
is the interdisciplinary field of artificial intelligence as well as computer science. It’s basically the transformation of information from a still or video camera into a precise representation. Like humans, computer vision is also concerned with making sure that computers can visualize the images, recognize them and process them. Computer vision is comprised of three primary components:
Image Acquisition Image Acquisition: This is the initial phase of the vision system. Once the image has been acquired the various kinds of processing tasks can be carried out to complete different vision tasks the top talked about area of artificial intelligence is computer vision has discovered a variety of applications in the field. There are a lot of sources available to get up to speed on computer vision. This article will count the top five free resources that can come in handy when learning computer vision. The list is not in any specific order.
1 Beginner’s Guide To Computer Vision
This provides an introduction to those interested in computer vision who wish to understand the topic from the ground up. The methods described are precise and make it easy to grasp. The site also provides links to additional online courses, seminars , advanced and beginner level videos, TED talks, and universities that could be useful in learning computer vision.
Learn computer vision course, from professionals and industry experts
2| OpenCV 2 Gary Bradski And Adrian Kaehler
The book written by Gary Bradski and Adrian Kaehler who are a consultant professor and senior scientist respectively, is among the most effective resources you can find to master computer vision. It offers simple and easy explanations, easy codes, and descriptions of the tools that must be developed to perform work on computer vision. It describes a toolkit, OpenCV which is where fascinating things about computers can be performed often without any difficulty. The algorithms work are easy to comprehend for anyone who is just beginning to develop and test vision software.
3 An Introduction to 3D Computer Vision Techniques and Algorithms Written by Boguslaw Cyganek
The book was composed by Boguslaw Cyganek who is a professor from the AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland and J Paul Siebert who is a professor of the University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK. The book presents a basic programming framework. It’s a bit more advanced in its description of 2D as well as 3D aspects of computer vision. However, once you have mastered the basics of the subject, this book provides a good overview of the most recent developments in the computer vision field.
4 A brief introduction to Computer Vision
This course is geared towards students who are new to the field. It is a free four-month course that provides detailed information on the basics of math to aid in the practical use of this subject. Mathematical concepts are also on the radar, as is an extensive exposure to various tools like MATLAB, Python, NumPy and many more. The course is taught by experts from the industry. is a self-paced , learning resource and certainly one of the most effective.
5| Amazing Amazing Computer Vision Awesome Computer Vision Github
We all know that GitHub has resources from the intermediate to advanced. The course offered on GitHub will cover the fundamentals about computer vision. It provides a comprehensive list of papers, datasets, tutorials, classes, talks, as well as software that can be utilized to perform computer vision. This gives an opportunity to practice in the field.
6| Computer Vision Course By Subhransu Maji
This brief course from Subhransu Maji, an assistant professor at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst explores the intricate aspects regarding computer vision. The course includes slides from lectures on different topics including radiometry imaging, image formation, filtering, and much more. It is simple to learn and comprehend for students who are determined to work in Computer Vision.
7| Video Tutorial By Alberto Romay
A video tutorial with 57 lectures from Alberto Romay is uploaded where the step-by-step tutorials are clearly explained for novices to help them grasp the joy that is Computer Vision. It is broken down into different lectures, each with a variety of subjects covered by sensors and image formation , to image filtering and much more. Each video’s duration is between 7 to 15 minutes which is easy to grasp with a greater attention span.