There are many ways to treat this disorder PE and Erectile Dysfunction, including psychotherapy and counseling. In some cases, medications used for depression may also be a good choice for treating premature ejaculation. Other treatments include numbing creams that contain lidocaine, prilocaine, or emla, and are applied directly to the genitals.
Behavioral therapy
While medical treatment for premature ejaculation may be helpful, psychological treatment may be just as effective. Psychological counseling focuses on the underlying problem, helping you achieve consistent sexual satisfaction. Behavioral therapy may also involve medications, topical anesthetics, or counseling. In some cases, a combination of behavioral therapy and drug therapy may be the best course of treatment for erectile dysfunction.
Behavioral therapy for male sexual health – PE & ED addresses the cause of PE. Psychological interventions are promising because they address the rapidity of the ejaculatory response as well as the psychological burden that the condition places on a man. Unlike pharmaceutical treatments, psychological therapy helps men address their intrapsychic, interpersonal, and cognitive issues that may be interfering with their ability to perform sexually.
While the cause of premature ejaculation remains largely unknown, it has a strong emotional impact on sufferers. Many sufferers are frustrated with their lack of sex life and suffer from an overall decrease in their self-esteem. The condition often goes undiagnosed, and most men don’t seek help. Unfortunately, four out of five men will never discuss their sexual dysfunction with a physician. Fortunately, there are several effective behavioral therapies to address this problem.
While both behavioral and pharmaceutical treatments for PE are effective, they are not without side effects. Psychiatric medications may be an option, but they can cause serious side effects. Before taking any medication, discuss your condition with your primary care provider or urologist. For the most effective treatment, you should consult your physician and avoid using any topical anesthetic agents.
Psychological disorder
Premature ejaculation is the most common type of male sexual dysfunction, affecting as many as 20-30% of men across their adult life span. PE is a psychological disorder with specific clinical characteristics, which are assessed through a variety of tools. The most commonly used diagnostic tool is the PEDT (Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool). A study in China used the ISSM definition of PE to define the condition, and Waldinger proposed two additional classifications: subjective and variable PE.
The PEDT and the Sexual Health Inventory for Men were used to measure comorbidity. Psychosocial factors such as coping with stress and reducing anxiety may play a role in PE, and can be treated along with other forms of therapy. For instance, a man may benefit from cognitive therapy to improve his sexual confidence. Some research has demonstrated that start-stop exercises may be useful for men suffering from PE, although they have not been studied in a larger study.
Physical causes of PE include alcohol abuse and chronic health conditions. In addition to underlying medical conditions, psychological factors can also contribute to premature ejaculation. Symptoms of PE can range from rapid or early ejaculation to delayed ejaculation, inhibited ejaculation, and retrograde ejaculation. Premature ejaculation is a common problem among men between ages 18 and 59. The problem is often attributed to a lack of communication between the sexes and may be caused by a hormonal imbalance. Certain medications and diseases that affect blood flow can also contribute to PE.
Men with PE often report lower sexual satisfaction and less frequent intercourse. Although the problem may not directly affect a man’s sexual life, it affects both his confidence and his relationship with his partner.
Early ejaculation, also known as “premature ejaculation,” is a sexual issue that causes men to have difficulty ejaculating. It makes it difficult for men to enjoy sex and may cause other problems for men, such as stress and anxiety. Men who suffer from early ejaculation should see a healthcare provider or discuss their symptoms with their partner. Treatment options for premature ejaculation will depend on the severity of the problem, but there are several treatments available.
The psychological causes of premature ejaculation can range from low serotonin or dopamine levels to over stimulation. Premature ejaculation may also result from a lack of confidence, guilt, or performance anxiety. If the problem is persistent, treatment of erectile dysfunction may resolve the issue and allow the patient to enjoy sexual intercourse without anxiety.
In some cases, psychological treatments are need. A doctor may prescribe certain medicines, such as antidepressants or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, to help delay the onset of premature ejaculation. But these medications are not approve by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Moreover, these drugs may cause side effects and decrease the desire to engage in sexual activity.
The causes of PE are complex and many men are confuse about which one to treat first. The first step to treat PE is to identify the cause of the problem. While it can result in anxiety, many people find that worrying about it may make the problem worse. If treated, it can improve confidence in maintaining erections and reduce anxiety. The result is an improved sexual experience for both the man and his partner.
Although identifying the exact cause of premature ejaculation and ed is difficult, it is usually link to psychological factors. Often, men with PE have problems relating to their relationships, as well as issues related to their sexual life. Physiological factors can also contribute to premature ejaculation. One of the factors that can influence a person’s physiology is serotonin.
While there is no single treatment for PE, several medications have been show to be effective. Topical anesthetic agents, antidepressants, and phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors have been use to delay ejaculation. Unfortunately, these drugs can be accompanied by side effects, such as temporary loss of sensitivity or decreased sexual pleasure. Although there are currently no approved drugs for premature ejaculation, many physicians prescribe analgesics, antidepressants, and other medications to help men delay their ejaculation. Antidepressants can be use either on-demand or daily.
Another method is to try masturbating before intercourse. Some men find masturbation to be helpful for delaying PE. Some doctors even recommend avoiding intercourse or experimenting with alternative forms of sexual play. This Fildena 150 drug is treat erectile dysfunction in men easily. Some men also experience delayed ejaculation due to weak pelvic floor muscles. Pelvic floor muscle strengthening can also help. In addition, men who suffer from PE can also try prescription medications for erectile dysfunction.
Psychological issues can also contribute to ejaculatory dysfunction. For example, early psychological trauma or rejection, or a desire to please a partner, can all lead to PE. Sexual abuse of men may also be a cause. Unfortunately, these issues may be difficult to overcome if ignored. Fortunately, ninety percent of men with PE respond well to behavioral therapy, including hypnosis.